
Some things never change

"George Bush says 'we are losing the war on drugs'. Well you know what that implies? There's a war going on, and people on drugs are winning it! Well what does that tell you about drugs? Some smart, creative motherfuckers on that side."

- Bill Hicks


Nathan said...

Yeah. Because it's the users of drugs who do the 'fighting'. Not the suppliers who make money by cashing in on the people's addictions...

Rebel Heart said...

hey bro i just realised your comment on Katherine's blog regarding climate change and have responded to it

Rebel Heart said...

by the way Nathan suppliers are able to take advantage of the system. if sex was regulated then the supplies would also be cashing in on people's addictions, what's the difference? what's needed is freedom of drug trade. then Christians like you can go rally against it and like the good old pimps on Manchester Street 'products' (heheh) will be provided to us at a competitive price

Christina said...

Viewing people as products... wow, that's classy, respectful, and completely original.

/end sarcasm

Rebel Heart said...

i'm not the one who puts a price on them, dumb bitch

era said...

Stan, the adults are having an intelligent conversation here. Once you get over your primary school language maybe you would like to join in?

Christina said...

Regarding the war on drugs: yup, most powerful cartels would be considered smart, creative, resourceful and above all "persuasive" :)