
the nice crisp and juicy red button?

Yahweh: Whatever you do, DO NOT push the red button.
Us: Why not?
Yahweh: Because, pushing it will give you the knowledge of which buttons you should and should not push.
Us: wtf?

[edit: bonus question]

Do any of these red button ideas, which make our lives worse by knowing them, actually exist?


Kat said...

Heh, that's beautiful :)

Kat said...

I would say that such things as self-awareness and the capacity for reflection and self-determination make our lives both better and worse. Much more interesting but much more painful. Seems like something everyone is inclined to complain about once they realise how difficult living becomes, and the disparity between reality and our sense of the ideal registers with us as mental pain; but none of us would really want to give it up if we had the choice, because it's so damn interesting, and makes us feel superior perhaps, and we like feeling in control even though we stuff things up all the time. Which possibly means we ought to stop complaining?