
Mental Masturbation.

Firstly a pleasant topic: Would anyone be interested in turning my back yard into a vege garden? Kinda like a community project. Then everyone can share the produce and stuff. And we would all learn how to grow food in the process. I thought I'd throw the idea out there. If there is enough interest we can see about actually doing something. You would have to live in chch though. If I can find someone with one of those camera things I'll take a picture so you can all see how stupidly big and empty it is at the moment.

Title topic: How much of academia these days is nothing more than an elaborate excuse to do nothing while using big words?


Anonymous said...
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Christina said...

Firstly, that is an inspired title for a blog post :D

Secondly...er, if I had more time, yes. I procrastinate way too much as it is.

If you need any help, our family used to have a veggie garden growing up, which (if i remember correctly) is why we hardly ever bought any. My parents probably remember all sorts of good advice like when to plant what and where, and how to structure the garden. I could ask them if you like?

Thirdly, possibly a large amount? I remember reading swathes of stuff for media studies that was pretty much just pretentious narcissism, but with an impressive vocab so it sounded good.

I don't miss that part of uni :)

Kat said...

To the first question: yes please :)

To the second: yeah, that's largely why I quit. It was great while it lasted, but seemed a little pointless in the long term. Uh, hoping the Real Thing (i.e. actual life) will be better - to extend the metaphor.

Cantrix said...


OK, I got sucked in. I thought you were going to explain what pornography is for. :( I've been wondering that ever since I knew what it was.