
Nostalgia & Sickness

I've noticed in my actions a tendency to provoke awkwardness. Perhaps more worthy of concern is the fact that I rather enjoy the very awkward moments that tend to be produced. For example, a couple of weeks ago I found myself sitting next to my flatmate's mother in a church. Two options present themselves. I can smile nicely and say pleasant things, thus forming a life long friendship with this insane woman. On the other hand, I can attempt to deny that I know her and her sons in the hope that she will not recognise me. I went with denying everything. It is unusual to say that you do not know yourself by proxy. It worked well, until after the service she came up to me and pointed out that we did know each other.... *awkward* However, given the lack of phone calls I have consequently received from her, I guess my behaviour must have paid of. Anyway, the point is that whilst this was happening, I found it quite exhilarating.

An attempt at some sort of self-explanation: I was rather unfortunately inspired by The Idiots. Dating an american tends to be an exercise in having embarrassingly personal conversations loudly in public places. I might not talk about girls I would like to sleep with in front of my nana, but I wouldn't think twice on a bus. And, I guess a final sort of explanation would be my realisation of how very retarded most social etiquette and convention truly is. Does anyone know if there is a name for this condition? And does anyone else feel nostalgia for their childhood when they're sick?


Christina said...

Yes! I am crook at the moment, and all I want is to be in my old, yellow room with all my soft-toys. I tend to read really familiar books I've had since I was a kid when I'm sick, too.

Also, for some reason, I want my mum. Weird, huh?

Rebel Heart said...

pics plz

era said...

English please.

Rebel Heart said...

bah, misread what you wrote. i thought you said you said chicks you had slept with

era said...

Those pictures are private sorry.

Christina said...


*decides not to ask the question* ;)